Resources and Tools

Depression is an illness unlike any other and living with it is full
of ups and downs. Everyone deserves to be seen and heard,
while feeling empowered to ask for help.

We know how important it is to have information and resources created by and for the LGBTQ+ community.
Check out the links below for details on where you can turn when you need help.

The content on this site is intended for educational purposes only and should not take the place of talking with your doctor or healthcare professional. It should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you have any questions about your medical condition, talk to your healthcare professional.

Healthcare Directories

It is important to find a healthcare professional that you feel comfortable around and supported by. The fear of being judged or dismissed should never prevent you from seeking the help and care you deserve.

Explore a list of directories that make it easy to find a provider near you, including the closest LGBTQ+-friendly healthcare professional or community center.

Helpful Tools

Find toolkits, infographics, discussion guides, conversation starters, FAQs and more.

Live & Ongoing Support

Connect with confidential trained counselors who are available seven days a week.

Advocacy Groups

For more information on depression, treatment options and support services, visit the following mental health and LGBTQ+ advocacy group websites.

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Questionnaire for Depression

If you feel like you may be experiencing symptoms of depression, a questionnaire from Mental Health America may help give you a snapshot of your mental health. This mental health questionnaire is not intended to replace a doctor or other healthcare provider who is best qualified to diagnose and treat mental health conditions. Please discuss your results and any questions you may have with your doctor or healthcare provider.

Please note that this third-party website is not controlled by Janssen or subject to our privacy policy.

Icon of a mobile phone with intro to depression questionnaire